EYWC 01.-10. August 2024 / Michelstadt

Camp Impressions 2024

The EYWC2024 starts preparations in Michelstadt!

13 nations - 120 volunteers are on their way!


Das EYWC2024 startet die Vorbereitung in Michelstadt!

13 Nationen - 120 Mitarbeitende machen sich auf den Weg!

Registration for Participants, leaders and Volunteers:


one Klick on the camp-picture ⇒


So now it's time to start the countdown. On this page you will find all information about our EYWC2024. Registration takes place via the national associations of the participating countries.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly:
Markus Rapsch / m.rapsch@cvjm-westbund.de

historical and curious - 69 years old
historical and curious - 69 years old
Link to registration formular Camp2024
Link to registration formular Camp2024
European Youth Workers · 253 members
European Youth Workers · 253 members

Preparation Weekend April 2024

The time had finally come:


Ten nations made their way to Michelstadt by bus, train, plane and car. It was a warm, sunny weekend that allowed us to get to know the camp from its most beautiful side. On Friday evening and Saturday, the many staffs and volunteers prepared the program, the content and the main objectives of the camp in August. Many new contacts were made and on Sunday, after a farewell round and an evaluation, it was time to head home again.


BUT - the anticipation is now great and we are looking forward to making further arrangements in Zoom meetings over the next few weeks.

here you will find in the next weeks more informations of the YMCA camp in Michelstadt/Frankfurt

European YMCA Youth Workers Camp (EYWC)

Do you want to go to Europe? We invite you to one week Europe compact in the YMCA Youth Workers Camp for volunteers from the YMCA. Under the motto "Colours against discrimination", more than 80 young employees between 16 and 25 years old from the European YMCA's will meet in this Camp.

They will exchange about youth work in different social contexts, discover diversity as an enrichment for youth work through experimental learning, get to know new models of youth work that are suitable for developing social skills and their own personality. On the program are outdoor-experience with tree-house experiences, experiential education and experimental learning, music and creativity with TEN SING, camp-band to join, YMCA group leader training, multimedia and social-media discoveries, SPORT and movement. There is further information after a mail to



You will share your experiences in youth work in different social backgrounds, you will present your youth work, you will discover diversity as a treasure for yourself and for the society, you will be challenged by migrant volunteers and their experiences and you will develop your own personality; you will have a lot of fun.

To take part in this camp you should speak and understand English, you should have participated in a volunteer course and you should have some experiences in youth work.




Each participant can choose one course:

  • Intercultural dialogue
  • YMCA youth work training
  • Treehouse building and outdoor-experiences
  • Experiential learning in sport and movement
  • Music, dance, drama, camp-band
  • Multimedia & social media



New dates :

we are on the way to 2024
Michelstadt 2.-10.August Camp
12.-14.April Preperation Weekend/Michelstadt

Impressionen 2022

 Toolkit YMCA Youth Work
A Tookit? A bunch of tools, neatly put together for doing a spot of DIY? No, not even close!

In actual fact, our Toolkit here contains a vast amount of files all meant to support you as a youth worker during every aspect of your work: Tried an tested ideas, actionable programming, games, group building and forming activities, background information, bible insights and so much more. 

To get things in a useful order we have created categories as you see at the right side of the screen - look at those nicely colored tags called "YMCA", "Devotion", "We are Europe" and so forth - you'll get the idea, just click and see. Enjoy and make the most it! 

And never forget: This is not a oneway street - contribute to this Toolkit, send us your ideas, programs, everything you find useful in your day to day YMCA activities. Your participation is highly appreciated!

Link to Toolkit 2012
Link to Toolkit 2012